Rewrite Urls App 4.62

Buy on Phpfox Store for 19$
Url of your internal pages is very important to users interface and more important for search engines, so you need carefully manage each url, which explain best section where user in. We prepared app for these requirements, so you may use it with our Advanced apps or Core apps. Spent 2 minutes and have better urls for all your modules.


  • Rewrite whole module name to another (example: advancedvideo to video, phpfoxexpertemoney to emoney and etc)
  • Rewrite single page to simpler name (example: user/login to login, user/register to register and etc)
  • Faq section, which explain how it works
  • Add/Edit/Delete rewrite rules using ajax interface
  • Easy installation without touching core files

Demo Links

(test admin user: pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Phpfox 4.6-4.9.9 (has been tested with latest version of phpfox!)

Screenshots (click to zoom)

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