Site Tour with Test Users

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te" alt="tester32" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
OF" alt="Orpha Fairley" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
Te" alt="Tester" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
NG" alt="Noel Gipson" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
LA" alt="Lisandra Adamson" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
LT" alt="Lavada Tang" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
  • How can I found interesting auctions as per my preference?

    To find interesting auctions as per your preference follow below steps: a) Go to ‘Browse Auction’ page.b) Enter the criteria in the search form as per your preference.c) You can go through the auctions as per the searched criteria.

  • How can I purchase auction item?

    There are 2 ways: 1. Buy now - immediately checkout for auction item and waiting shipping. 2. Bid option - make you bid and wait until auction owner, approve your bid (if it will be best bid) when auction is end. After that checkout for won auction.

For Auction Owner

  • How i get my money?

    There are 2 ways, if you enter your paypal address than money goes directly to your account, without any commission. Or if users pay using their emoney balance, money goes to your emoney balance and after sometime you may withdraw them of different gateways

  • Please explain all process of my auction

    Create you auction, add photo, video all others information using add and dashboard button, users will start bidding, you may anytime approve any bid and make winner that user. Also after auction date ends, than you need to select winner on auction dashboard page or delete auction.After you select winner, that user should checkout for auction, after that you need to ship auction item.