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Columbus Varney

Male. Lives in Palau.
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You can upload a jpg, gif or png file

The file size limit is 500 Kb. If your upload does not work, try uploading a smaller picture.

Maximum number of images you can upload each time is: 10

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You can upload a jpg, gif or png file

The file size limit is 500 Kb. If your upload does not work, try uploading a smaller picture.

Recommended Event photo size is 1200x628 pixels (Ratio 1.91:1). However, to make sure your Event photo displays clearly on retina screens, which are more pixel-dense, you can go for the 1920x1005 pixels size, which is the same ratio.

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You can upload a jpg, gif or png file

The file size limit is 9.77 mb. If your upload does not work, try uploading a smaller picture.

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You can upload a jpg, gif or png file

The file size limit is 4.88 mb. If your upload does not work, try uploading a smaller picture.

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No one is perfect that’s why pencils have erasers.
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  • January 7, 2020
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