Site Tour with Test Users

Choose a test user to login and take a site tour.

NG" alt="Noel Gipson" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
te" alt="tester32" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
Te" alt="Tester" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
OF" alt="Orpha Fairley" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
LA" alt="Lisandra Adamson" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
LT" alt="Lavada Tang" class="_image_50 image_deferred built no_image">
  • How can I found interesting contests as per my preference?
    To find interesting contests as per your preference follow below steps: a) Go to ‘Browse Contest’ page.b) Enter the criteria in the search form as per your preference.c) You can go through the contests as per the searched criteria.
  • What is 4 types of contest?
    Contest owners deciding which type of contest to play: Picture, Song, Video, Text, after that participants may enter only that type of content to participate in selected contest.
  • Can i upload not my own content?
    Only if you have permission to do that, except contest owner may require some doc for approving your contest.
  • Why my entries required to approve?
    Because you need to confirm your rights for uploading content.
  • Is there any fee to enter the contest?
    Different contest had different prices and free entry

For Contest Owner

  • How i get my money?
    There are 2 ways, if you enter your paypal address than money goes directly to your account, without any commission. Or if users pay using their emoney balance, money goes to your emoney balance and after sometime you may withdraw them of different gateways
  • Where i can manage entries, contest information and etc?
    After creating contest you will have Contest Dashboard, where you may manage photos, videos, location, entries (approve and delete them).
  • My contest was expired, what is next?
    Our script will select winners of your entries based on vote count, max allowed winners and minimal votes to win.