Day Store

Apple Store

  Palo-Alto (get direction) +1794561845654
Apple Store
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Join us for free workshops that cover everything from learning the basics of your new product to editing photos and more. Take the kids to free youth programs like Apple Camp. Or inspire the whole class with a Field Trip to the Apple Store. [img][/img] No matter what you need, we’re here for you. Forgot your Apple ID or have a question about an app or service? Want to make a Genius Bar reservation? We have several convenient Apple Support options for you to choose from.

Drag & drop multi photos here to upload

You can upload a jpg, gif or png file

The file size limit is 500 Kb. If your upload does not work, try uploading a smaller picture.

Maximum number of images you can upload each time is: 10

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You can upload a jpg, gif or png file

The file size limit is 500 Kb. If your upload does not work, try uploading a smaller picture.

Recommended Event photo size is 1200x628 pixels (Ratio 1.91:1). However, to make sure your Event photo displays clearly on retina screens, which are more pixel-dense, you can go for the 1920x1005 pixels size, which is the same ratio.

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You can upload a jpg, gif or png file

The file size limit is 9.77 mb. If your upload does not work, try uploading a smaller picture.

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You can upload a jpg, gif or png file

The file size limit is 4.88 mb. If your upload does not work, try uploading a smaller picture.

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